Yesterday’s New Moon in Capricorn brings in a very quiet and introspective presence. Despite so much energy (Fire) and information (Air) swirling around outside of us, we are pulled into a profound Stillness with a strong need for inner adjustments that is supported by deep solitude.
We may find we need time and space to build strong foundations for ourselves (Sun/Moon and Athena conjunct in Capricorn). The turning of the Year provides an opportunity for creation of a New Earth, both personally and collectively. This New Moon assists us in building a new base, one rooted in reciprocity, self respect and a deep appreciation for our growth over the last sixteen years as Pluto traversed Capricorn. What have we matured and transformed in the Capricorn areas of our lives? Take some time to acknowledge how far we have come, individually and collectively.
Use the deep stillness of this New Moon to build your new foundation (Earth) and cleanse the essence of your being (Water: Neptune/Saturn in Pisces). Tap into the profound knowing of your inner self. Holdfast. What are you building? Intentions set around this New Moon are seeding for the next 6 months. The Capricorn Full Moon in July will be a good check in point. Meanwhile, continue releasing the old and centering from the Heart (Mars Retrograde in Leo) so as to be ready to move on in a new way. There is a powerful stability in this New Moon’s chart. It calls for inner adjustments and not so much outer actions. The time for action will come, but for now, the Celestials call for meditation, quiet, grounding and connecting profoundly with our inner North Star.
The Sun, Moon, and Athena conjunct in Capricorn all sextile Saturn in Pisces which assists us in dreaming up a New Earth of justice, clear vision, integrity and structure in line with Spirit. Humanity is being called to create with a maturity and mastery of right manifestation integrated with a solid Spiritual wisdom that will endure.
Mercury in Sagittarius continues to oppose Jupiter Retrograde (Rx) in Gemini (in mutual reception; each in the other’s sign) as both remain square to Saturn. The mutual reception increases their potency as our reevaluations of long held beliefs and perceptions persist. We may be grappling with something mentally and will not likely find a solution with our minds at this time. We may be dealing with the Shadow side of the Jupiter/Mercury opposition with energies of manipulation, betrayal, trickery or deception around or within us. Saturn in Pisces pulls us to soften and to release our grip. Let go. “We do not have to win at anything.” Nancy Rebecca.
Forgiveness is a tricky word. It can mean so many things. Release what no longer serves with no need to put a label on it. We will know when we are there by the lightness and gentleness we feel. It is a process, like rinsing clean the roots of a beloved plant before replanting it in fresh, fecund soil. Saturn gives the staying power and Pisces brings the unconditional love. Being present with our and others’ pain, without the need to fix it, heals. Truth and justice will prevail. Pluto in Aquarius will demand it.
Chiron Direct in Aries brings fresh insights regarding the healing of our authentic self and/or initiates new beginnings that are in alignment with Self, as well as in alignment with the Healed Masculine energies. Chiron has been going over these degrees in Aries for quite awhile and so the issues will not be new; we have been working with them and will continue to integrate what we have learned and healed as Chiron moves into new territory in Aries.
Meanwhile, Chiron brings gifts of insight such as Inquiry. Ask yourself, how do I soften around this? Make a choice? Could I embrace what has been abandoned with calm acceptance? Claim what I am ashamed of? Even just a little?
The coming months bring huge transitions, intensity and upheavals. This New Moon provides the guidance and support on how to weather the storms of revolution indicated by the continued opposition of Mars Rx in Leo opposing Pluto in Aquarius. Temperance and grounding are antidotes and inoculations. Deep inner processing is required as outer whirlwinds of information and chaos swirl. How can we go forward to build a New Earth inside ourselves as well as outside? First we need to quiet our Hearts, close the 5 Doors (nostrils, eyes, mouth) and get still within.
The Leo Mars Retrograde empowers us to move from our Heart, in our authenticity and to stand in the truth of Self. Consider meditating on connecting the Solar Plexus chakra to the Heart chakra to facilitate our will coming from a place of openhearted sovereignty. Watch for hardened stances and power struggles. Higher consciousness will win vs lower ego consciousness. Pluto in Aquarius manifests intentions with quantum speed. Be clear on intentions and consciously envision Unity.
Endings continue and may be internal. What can you no longer ‘stand’. What needs a new stance? Does this shift/transformation/alchemy need an internal or external manifestation at this point in Space/Time? We are in a long term process of re-creating our standing on the Earth from a Heartfull place. The (t)ask is demanding: Let go of outcomes while holding a vision of a mature Humanity.
Pluto and Mars will continue their conversation through the end of April, 2025 as they balance the creation of sovereignty of self within a collective of sovereign beings. As best you can, release resistance or a need to control, manipulate or coerce within oneself or outside self. Let others be. It brings to mind the song “Go Your Own Way” by Fleetwood Mac, but with a kinder vibe.
All of the astrology over the last several months has been preparing us and supporting us to be ready for the intensity of 2025, the Chinese astrology of which is the Year of the Yin Wood Snake. A lot of molting/shedding is and will be going on. 2025 is also related to the I Ching Hexagram #49, Revolution. Revolution means a turning as well as a change or a transformation. The hexagram is made up of the trigram for Fire under the trigram for Water. Too much Fire and the Water boils away. Just the right amount and we create Steam which moves all and nourishes all. And so we are called back to Temperance. “Build through peace, stillness, bliss.” Pam Gregory.
Vesta (Keeper of the Heart) in Libra trine Venus in Aquarius and inconjunct Neptune in Pisces as well as the North Node in Aries indicates that we are nourished by and find value in our relationships and in collective ceremony and hearth visioning. Adjustment is needed to also honor our Deep Soul Growth and personal needs. Inner needs vs outer connections requires fine tuning. Go deep and listen to your body and your Wild Dreaming Self to navigate this; not just through the holidays but over the next month or so. If you feel exhausted, honor that. Deep Winter is a great time to rest. Apparently, plant roots quicken in the Winter long before we see outward movement in the Spring. Enjoy Deep Earth Rooting.
We can shift any aggression or frustration that arises (Mars Rx in Leo) with movement of the body, holding an intention to alchemize anger or rage to use as fuel for reconnecting to our Center, our courage and authenticity. Jupiter in Gemini Rx trine Ceres (Earth Mother) in Aquarius and sextile Chiron in Aries expands and supports visions and manifestations of the New Earth with balanced Masculine and Feminine wisdom that is more in line with our authentic Self (that Leo Mars again).
“The true essence of who you are is needed.” Molly McCord
Heather Ensworth
Nancy Rebecca
Molly McCord
Ling Gui International Healing Qigong School
Sarah Vrba
Pam Gregory
John Sandbach
I Ching
Rider Waite Tarot
Image Credit: Jen’s Fine Art