2024 Full Moon in Aries

You may have been feeling the intensity of this Aries Full Moon for a few weeks before it culminated on 10/17/24. You will most likely feel it for a few weeks after. The Aries Moon is conjunct (next to) Eris and Chiron Retrograde (Rx) in Aries calling us to heal (Chiron) old deep wounds of hate and toxic individualism. Eris is typically associated with strife and rage. But why was she so upset? I think of this Goddess as the Thirteen Fairy who was left out and vilified, her contributions denigrated. Astrologer Heather Ensworth calls her ErisZena to acknowledge the positive and necessary Warrior Woman who will do the hard thing and bring up the hard subjects. What parts of ourselves are we ashamed of and do not want to associate with? We will most likely see these parts come up for healing in ourselves and those we ‘other’.

This is an extremely emotional Full Moon with Mars in Cancer. As ruler of this Full Moon in Aries (Mars rules Aries), the Cancer Moon is part of a Grand Water Trine (working in harmony) with Venus in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces. As Chiron, empowered by the Aries Full Moon, assists us in bringing up for healing old deep wounds, use triggers as an opportunity to go deep (Venus in Scorpio) into the core of the pain to transform it.  We find emotional support and profound care, with a stabilizing energy, in doing so from Saturn and Neptune in Pisces. Dive deep into stillness with tenderness (Cancer) and come up to shine a light (Sun in Libra) on a new way of relating.

A temporary mini-moon, captured by the Earth’s gravity since September 29th just adds extra oomph to all things lunar for the next month or so. Tides, emotions, as well as waves of compassion, gentleness and nurture (Cancer) have heightened effect and affect. Be mindful of your Home, your Center and your Serenity.

An extremely intense Cardinal Grand Cross is formed by the Sun and Juno (committed relationships) in Libra squaring Pluto (revolution/evolution) in Capricorn which squares Mars in Cancer which, in turn, squares the Moon, Chiron and ErisZena in Aries. Mars and Aries want to move but with all of the intensity and need for deep solitude and an internal process (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) called for in this chart, use the impetus of Aries to move the energy (Mars) within your body. Outward expressions of dance, song, yoga, qigong, walking the Medicine Wheel and Mindful Walking are all powerful ways to metamorphose our energy and bring healing through ritual and ceremony (Vesta in Virgo). As best you can, have a daily practice.

The times may be contentious, full of rage, reaction and triggers, which need care and deep internal processing (Cancer), so that we can transform (Pluto Capricorn) and come to a place of Harmony (Sun in Libra).

Transformation and revolution (Pluto in Capricorn) are highly emphasized in this chart. As this may be expressed outwardly in extremely volatile and violent ways and as we feel shaken and disrupted (Uranus Rx in Taurus) we are called to see clearly how the unaccepted parts of ourselves are projected onto others (Jupiter Rx in Gemini). Just as all of these energies are in relationship to each other in an intense mandala of wholeness, we can claim our whole selves and awaken to a new way of relating to our emotions and our woundedness. Perhaps in a “soft, gentle manner which brings renewal and reconnection with the light of spirit,” John Sandbach.

Jupiter Rx in Gemini opposes Athena (Justice) in Sagittarius and trines the Sun conjunct Juno in Libra bringing issues of Perception vs Reality. What is real? what is authentic? We may not be heard. We may be projected on and accused. May we use these experiences as opportunities for Being Peace to the best of our ability. No victims, no perpetrators.

Meditation and prayer and time in nature are essential. I wake in the morning asking, “How can I Be Peace?” I am sent a dream that tells me to turn my rage into a thing of beauty, as a ball of mud is turned into a precious sphere in the art of Dorodango. Thich Nhat Hanh leads us in mindful breathing for concentration, insight and right thinking in this meditation.

As Pluto passes through the last degrees of Capricorn for the next 240 years while so many planets are in the last degrees of their signs, we are finishing up old business and clearing out the clutter. Capricorn’s highest vibration is mastery. We may experience or feel flooded or shaken as Venus in Scorpio opposes Uranus Rx in Taurus. Water and Earth are finishing up old business so we are lighter and clearer as we move into a predominance of Fire and Air in the coming years. As best we are able, seek Deep Quiet and a very internal inquiry. Clear any feelings of victimhood (Vesta in Virgo opposes Neptune Rx in Pisces). Ceremony (Vesta) guides us to Wholeness and allows us to access the Universal vibration of Oneness (Pisces). May we share this Truth freely when we are able. May we calm ourselves and care for our feelings and our energy system when we can’t.

Mercury in Scorpio trines Saturn Rx Pisces:  Tell the truth; your deep emotional truth, even just to yourself. It may not be the time to express outwardly, but know what it is. Don’t lie to yourself about what is true for you. Be compassionately, not brutally, honest with yourself.

The Heavens bring us the Hope, empowerment and guidance of a comet in the sunset colors of purple and gold, first seen by the Purple Gold Mountain Observatory in China. Serendipitously, this comet is visible at sunset when the colors of purple and gold predominate. In the Year of the Dragon we have the wings to fly through these times.  The Purple Gold Dragon in the image I used for this post is grounded in Earth, attuned to the Moon (Water) and at ease with Fire and Air, using them to nourish (Cosmic Chicken Soup) and not to burn.

So much outside ourselves is moving and shifting, Go deeper into stillness and hold your center. All will settle and answers will come. Don’t add to the fray. If that is all we can do, that is a lot. Every sign of the Zodiac is involved in this chart except for Leo and Aquarius. These energies are where we will find the needed attributes to move through these times. By holding a vision of a Greater Good for All in Spirit (purple) and coming from our Hearts, golden and generous and open, we can integrate all parts of ourselves; energetic, mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional. When we welcome into our Hearts the Good, the Bad, the Ugly and the Beautiful, all notions of each disappear into Oneness.

As the intensity and turmoil increases, find balance in Centering. Commune with others in a spirit of Light and the gifts and possibilities will be uncovered. Continue cleansing and clearing so we are lighter and ready to build Anew (Uranus Rx in Taurus) when the time comes. I find bathing in salt water and salt scrubs are super helpful and clearing. Move with breath in whatever way brings you Joy. We can not heal or create a new Reality by ignoring or projecting our Dark and we cannot do so by becoming enthralled by the Dark or Trauma either. Hold the Center. May we find others who will assist us in Holding the Center as the Whirlwind/Hurricane/Flood/Tornado spins around us. These are not easy times and this is not easy work. Be kind. Be bold. Hold strong. Hold each other.


Molly McCord

Heather Ensworth

Sarah Vrba

Pam Gregory

John Sandbach

Ling Gui International Healing Qigong School

Image Credit: Michele Avanti

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