2024 New Moon in Libra Eclipse

The New Moon Eclipse in Libra on 10/2/2024 brings us an imperative of clearing and reseting of all things Libra. Where are we out of balance within ourselves, with each other, and with the Earth and Cosmos? The South Node, Sun, Moon, Mercury, Juno and Dark Moon Lilith are all within 8° of each other in Libra powerfully energized by proximity and a ‘Ring of Fire’ Eclipse.

Issues of disempowered relationships (South Node Libra) with ourselves (Sun) our feelings (Moon), our communications (Mercury), our committed relationships (Juno) and with the deepest, hitherto squashed and demonized, creative parts of ourselves (Dark Moon Lilith) are asking to be cleared, cleansed and re-harmonized (Libra).

If that sounds like a tall order, take Heart. There is a huge amount of support in this chart to facilitate this transformation. We still have Saturn Retrograde (Rx) in Pisces squaring Jupiter in Gemini assisting us in slowing our roll amidst all of the many lines of information coming to our awareness. Vesta in Virgo and Uranus Rx in Taurus both assist us in taking a Sacred Pause, grounding ourselves (Earth) and proceeding in a sacred manner (Vesta).

This New Moon Eclipse Chart, a blueprint and map of the the current Cosmic Energies, is very integrated. No part is isolated or unrelated to another. The Sacred Geometry is full of supportive angles and criss-crossings of assistance. Let that be a guide for us in how to proceed. Let no part of ourselves and no other be left out. How do we allow space for all parts of ourselves, even the ones we don’t like? When each party is fully empowered there can be no abuse; no victims, no perpetrators. We have to take care of our pain first. Then we will know how to move forward with compassion (Mars, Cancer). 

Eclipses give us a re-boot and an opportunity to move forward with a fresh start. Their influence lasts at least 6 months and can seed the energies that may blossom years later. We have time. As Thich Nhat Hahn says, “There is no where to go and nothing to do.” This is perfect advice for a New Moon Eclipse. As the energies are so strong and the intuitions of this New Moon are so immense, give yourself plenty of time to rest, recharge, receive and then integrate. Let’s start with rebalancing our relationship to ourselves. Then, the answers will become clear and we can move forward, Mars in Cancer, with tenderness and calm rather than overwhelm and anger.

Venus in Scorpio calls us to dive deeply and fearlessly into the Shadow and to bring up the Truth in order to alchemize it into something useful instead of damaging. This is a familiar message. The Skies have been repeating this theme for a while now. May we answer the call supported by intuition and emotional intelligence (Mars in Cancer) and a solid sense of our Universal Oneness (Saturn and Neptune Rx in Pisces).

Old family or generational issues may be stirred up with Mars in Cancer, let’s remember to be sage, fair and strategic in how we address these (Athena in Sagittarius). As we shine a light on whatever issues arise, may we remember to be slow and deliberate as we tap into the vast intuitive knowing available to us before acting. Then we will know what to do and what not to do.

There are multiple signatures for rebalancing the Sacred Feminine and Masculine in this chart. Chiron (The Healer) in Aries (masculine) opposes the stellium (multiple bodies in one sign) in Libra (feminine). Venus in Scorpio (traditionally a masculine sign) trines Mars in Cancer (traditionally feminine), both of these trine (harmonize) with Saturn (masculine) Rx in Pisces (feminine). This is one example of the symmetry in this mega Libra map of energy. The quintessential sign harmony, balance, grace and temperance, Libra is very uplifted in this chart as she faces and transforms her Dark Side of codependency, people pleasing, uncertainty and self negation. We have the strength, clarity, intuition and empowerment to clear any old contracts and renegotiate (Mercury in Libra) our relationships to self, other and Nature.

Let us use the empowerment of this New Moon Eclipse to further our self-maturation (Pluto Rx in Capricorn) in establishing or renegotiating relationships of mutuality, reciprocity, gratitude and wholeness. Reconciliation is a higher aspect of Libra. She uses diplomacy in service to harmony and balance, not for power over or placation.

The Libra stellium creates a Grand Air Trine with Jupiter in Gemini and Chariklo in Aquarius. Chariklo is the wife of Chiron and holds a space of compassion and witness so that the healing work of Chiron can be done. The flowing ease of so much Air supports us in taking a rational, detached and fair approach to all our relationships, assisting us to clear out the debris of distortion, lies, projections, mis- and disinformation. Letting go of old filters and past conditioning to see each other clearly and truly, our relationships can come from a centered, calm place of kind presence (Libra).  Diving deep into the Waters of Truth (Venus Scorpio) we have the resources to recreate alignments or alliances in a fair, calm and harmonious way. Reconciliation is a higher aspect of Libra; diplomacy in service to harmony and balance, not for power over or placation.

A Grand Water Trine flowing (punny) between Venus in Scorpio, Mars in Cancer and Saturn Rx in Pisces tells us this will be a deeply internal and intuitive process. Endings do not have to be drastic or overt. They can be subtle and energetic or at a karmic level and without necessarily ending actual relationships. When we change the dance the others’ dance will change. I have noticed in my own life that nothing needs to change outwardly at this time, and certainly not by force. This deeply internal process is where the change is called for; then, without effort, the outward will change. Endings create new choices. We may be walking away (metaphorically) from what no longer serves or resonates but as we do so we are walking towards new shores and brighter futures. We must leave and grieve so that our truest selves can shine on the waters of our starlight visions.

New Moon intentions are best set two days after an Eclipse. Such strong energies need time to be absorbed. Allow for time to release, percolate, and integrate before making changes or setting intentions. There continues to be a deep need to cleanse, especially in salt water.

As we do our best through these most difficult and challenging times never doubt that we are profoundly supported by the Love of the Cosmos. Why is the World so beautiful? There is no earthly reason. Love is the only answer.


Molly McCord

Heather Ensworth

Sarah Vrba

Pam Gregory

Ke’oni Hanalei

Thich Nhat Hahn

Photo Credit: SoulKu

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