The Full Moon in Aquarius that culminates on 8/19/2024 may have been making itself felt over the previous week. It is an incredibly potent Moon and if you have felt overwhelmed, scattered, bewildered or just plain exhausted, you have definitely been in the Moon’s embrace. The phrase, “It’s all just too much, I just want to sleep and relax,” kept coming to mind. Thankfully, over the years I have learned to listen to this voice and to honor the needs of my nervous system enough to stop and soothe. As much as possible find ways to quiet and calm yourself. Make everything as simple and slow as you can. The energies of this Full Moon are preparing us for the coming Eclipse Season and for the next 18 months. The guides I follow speak of continuing tumult until the Spring of 2026. Yes, 2026. It’s a marathon and we must pace ourselves.
Remember, the Sun is still in Leo, shining a light of Love, Generosity, Warmth and Abundance on All. At the time of this Full Moon the Leo Sun is bracketed by Vesta (Goddess of Hearth) and Mercury Retrograde (Rx). As Mercury receives new information and enlightenment from the Sun he is called to review it carefully and proceed with it in a sacred manner (Vesta). Coming from the Heart is always appropriate, even essential. But how to do so when there is SO much information and energy flying around?
The Tarot Card Temperance brings needed guidance and support, reminding us that as the Waters of Aquarius flow in, bringing new visions and inspirations, we can temper the flow and stay rooted to the Earth as we connect to the Waters. This is what our Free Will is for; to work with the energies that are Now. How can we bring balance, calm, patience and serenity to ourselves and each other? Art? Creative movement? Breath? Sleep? Lying in the Sun? There are so many options available to us, even if only for a moment.
The Sun, Mercury Rx and Vesta in Leo form a Grand Cross with the Moon in Aquarius, Uranus in Taurus and Athena (Goddess of Justice/Intellect) in Scorpio. Uranus in Taurus brings shake ups and awakenings, insisting that we come from our Authentic Self (Leo). Doing so brings fruition and will ameliorate the pain of releasing old traumas, betrayals and losses that Athena in Scorpio brings up from the Deep to heal. This is the Sturgeon Full Moon, after all; a Fish that lies in the Deepest Depths becoming old and large and full of Still Wisdom. The Aquarian Moon pours forth the Cosmic Waters of Creation. Don’t try to drink them all; float, swim, play and sail in them instead.
As if that wasn’t enough, this Full Moon in Aquarius brings a Mutable T Square formed by Mars conjunct Jupiter in Gemini squaring Venus in Virgo and Saturn Rx in Pisces. Astrologer Molly McCord calls this ‘Mutable Mayhem’. Mars and Jupiter in Gemini bring a Fire Hose of energy and information, Venus in Virgo says, “Wait, what about order and practicality and how much can my Body take?” Saturn in Pisces Retrograde has the final word here and insists that we Pause (the Sacred Paws of Leo) and ask, “Is it aligned with Spirit and your Highest Self?” This pause requires a maturity (Saturn) and a slow down that is SO hard for Gemini, especially when powered by the big energies of Mars and Jupiter. If we are not balanced and temperate we may well experience conflict.
Keep it VERY simple, cut out all that is not needed or that drags your energy down and TRUST. Clear the slate and allow each moment to inform the next movement. Attune to your Body (Uranus in Taurus that rules this Full Moon, because Uranus rules Aquarius). Dig in the Earth with sacred intention, touch the Earth with sacred attention. Let Her guide you. Let yourself rest, cleanse, attune and then express your Creative Self with a flowing freedom (Aquarius). These disruptions of Uranus, whether personal or global are meant to bring Healing and Rectification. The cleansing and clearing of Athena in Scorpio and Saturn Rx in Pisces is meant to align us with Spirit. Loudly the Celestial Beings call us to awaken to our True Self (Leo) and to break free (Uranus) of old paradigms of Humanity (Aquarius). Uranus in Taurus signifies that the theme of these disruptions and awakenings will be of Earth, whether of our personal body or our collective Mother.
The Cycles of the Stars since Covid have been setting us up for this time, culminating but not ending with this Full Moon in Aquarius. We are used to, by now, disruption and uncertainty. Let us nourish ourselves with the Waters of Temperance and hold to our inner core and each other as we navigate these times. Nothing changes but all is change. As they say in 12 Step programs: “You only have to change one thing, everything.” The changes within us are for clearing the clutter of old programing so we can come from a place of deep personal and collective Truth.
Purr with The Lionesses in the Room of the Soul activating the 5th Chakra of Expression so brightly that it glows yellow-orange and lights the Path ahead. Communicate and connect as freely as Mars and Jupiter in Gemini but with no attachment or intention. Consider meandering with pencil on paper or humming a mindless tune or dancing/moving in free flow. This, far from wasted or worthless will allow you to rise and readjust, like the driftwood taken by a whirlpool that pops up in just the right place. Flow, Flow and Glow.
Ron LaPlace: Sacred Geometry, Sound Healing and Opening Our Illuminated Heart
Heather Ensworth
Molly McCord
Sarah Vrba
John Sandbach
Photo Credit: Rider Waite Tarot