2024 Full Moon Capricorn

Yesterday’s Full Moon in Capricorn (7/21/2014) is called by some Indigenous Peoples the Buck Moon or the Thunder Moon. In the West we call it a Blue Moon as it is the 2nd Full Moon in a calendar month.

I am reminded of a Thunder of Dragons, as the Chinese Year of the Dragon is half over and a group of dragons is called a Thunder. May we bask in the Moonlight, filling up our Deep Roots (Capricorn) and Deep Well (Cancer) so we can express ourselves and our vision freely (Aquarius) and create in the World with Heart (Leo). I bring in the polarity of Leo/Aquarius as just a mere 45 minutes after this Full Moon was exact, it went into Aquarius and the Sun into Leo today (7/22/24).

The intensity of this Full Moon and its foreshadowing of the months ahead cannot be overstated as it is conjunct Pluto Retrograde in Aquarius, bringing an intense end cap to the first Full Moon in Capricorn and emphasizing a time of endings and completions, especially in our Feeling Body and emotional realms (Moon energy with Sun in Cancer).

Pluto gives us another opportunity (yay🙄) to clear out the last remaining vestiges of Old Karma with this conjunction at the last degrees of Capricorn (Full Moon) and first degree of Aquarius (Pluto).

Several Celestial Bodies are in the last or beginning degrees of their signs, making them exalted (highlighted and potent). These include Pluto and Mars at 0° (Aquarius,Gemini) and the Moon, Neptune and Sun at 29° (Capricorn, Pisces, Cancer). 

We will have more opportunities than we really want with this Full Capricorn Moon and in the months ahead (as Pluto moves back and forth over these degrees) to see and feel all of the Ugly Truth. Look at it without staring. Move (Mars in Gemini) immediately into new perspectives, ways of thinking and communicating.

Pluto Retrograde in Aquarius conjunct this Full Moon in Capricorn demands that we face the Underworld with steadfast courage and determination. Neptune in Pisces is sextile the conjunction of the Moon and Pluto reminding us to come from a place of Love and Unity. We are not our dysfunction, personal or collective. We are Love. The exalted Neptune also trines the Cancer Sun empowering us to bring that Love to our feelings and our bodies as well as to each other. Do not shirk from what is really wrong but do not identify with it or become enthralled by it. Lift up your face to the Sun in Cancer and bask in the Moonlight of Peace. Open your Heart (Venus and Vesta in Leo) and love yourself. Get clear on your values (Venus) and move (Mars Gemini) from there. Create and express in a sacred manner as all is sacred (Vesta in Leo). Our answers and support are in the Divine and in the Celestial Map. We can do this. We are so supported to do this. But not alone.

A powerful Grand Earth Trine supports this transition with Full Moon conjunct Pluto trine Mars and Uranus still conjunct in Gemini/Taurus and trine Juno in Virgo.

Ceres in Capricorn at the apex of a Yod* (a challenging configuration that brings an imperative of adjustment and attention) demands of us to tend to our Earth Mother, including the one inside ourselves. Take the extra time you need to ground and care for your Sacred Self and your Earth (Grand Earth Trine). We may need profound solitude to build our core.

“Being centered in oneself makes it possible to direct one’s power and to control it with gentleness and caring. “ John Sandbach

Jupiter in facile and dynamic Gemini helps us adjust our beliefs, thoughts and communications while Venus and Vesta in Leo support adjustments in our values and rituals. Create ritual and sanctify this fresh start in Creative Play, shining a light on our value and sacredness.

The Full Moon and the months ahead call for completion of something that we know, both personally and collectively, is at an end. It no longer serves us and must go. We will be working with this for the next several months as Pluto continues his Retrograde into degrees of Capricorn we have already visited and will then pull us forward back over these issues for a final pass before we and Pluto forge ahead fully into the Aquarian Age. Pluto in Aquarius for the next 20 years brings us fully into the Aquarian Age and calls us to embody the New Vision of humanity on Earth.

How will we manifest this new way of relating to ourselves and each other and the rest of Creation? Together. With love and devotion.

The dragon in the image I picked for this post is alone, basking in the moonlight, gazing at the Mountains of Higher Consciousness, where all of the other dragons are basking in the moonlight, gazing at the Mountains of Higher Consciousness, dreaming up the Thunder Moon of Purpose, Sustainability and Nurture.

Let’s utilize (Capricorn) all of the housecleaning opportunities well, as uncomfortable as they feel, so we can move with a lighter being into the New Vision with community support (Aquarius).

Sun in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces, both at the 29th degree, help us to remember our Source and the Deep Mothering we have been floating and swimming in. We need this calm presence of Love and Nurture. Find ways to connect with this using imagery, art, dance, breath and being in Nature. Keep it simple. Allow it to feel delicious.

Mercury trines Chiron in Aries reminding us to ensure our words, thoughts, and communications bring healing and inspire initiations of dynamic care, even as we stay true to ourselves.

Mercury at 26° Leo is also inconjunct the Full Moon and Pluto; best keep your words and expressions, however creative and true to heart, on the down low. There will be resistance to them. Find alternate ways to communicate that are more subtle, which is hard for Leo, but he is up for the challenge.

Uranus conjunct Mars brings inspirations and authenticity as well as disruptions, break ups and breakthroughs. Urges to move (Mars) must square that urge with the inspiration and creative self expression of others. Spirited exchanges may ensue. Look to Aquarius for a cool detached view and your words and expressions will bring more satisfactory outcomes.

Jupiter in Gemini is square Saturn in Pisces and Juno in Virgo; put relationships first and square that (including one’s relationship with self) with practical idealism and the big ideas and quicksilver facility of the Gemini mind.

Thoughts move easily into Action….our minds are SO powerful! Let’s use them wisely and with mindfulness.

Mars in Gemini: Watch for Harebrained schemes. Quick action of small things will go well but sudden big moves may falter. You might find yourself starting that project that has sat there for years on a whim and suddenly its all over the living room and the kids come home, or something along those lines.

Be kind. Be free. Be bold. Be whole.

We are a Thunder of Dragons flying into the Future together.


Molly McCord

John Sandbach

Heather Ensworth

Sarah Vrba

Image Credit: Laura Ramirez/DeviantArt

*The Yod: You’re at a party and two guys walk in who are best buddies. You don’t much like the look of them and they feel the same about you.

The mutual feeling is ‘meh’. But then, as if by Fate, you all happen to leave the party at the same time and end up riding the same elevator down and now the emergency happens and you all need each other. So, as you are stuck in this crisis together you get to know a bit more about each other than you had assumed at first glance. And you all begin to see the value in each other and how you do have things in common, after all, which would never have come to light if not stuck in this crisis together.

The apex of the Yod is you. The two Bros are Celestial bodies sextile to each other and you are inconjunct (150° or quincunx) them both. It is not a configuration for the faint of heart and brings to the native (the subject of the chart) a feeling of destiny expressed by the appellation “The Finger of God”. This geometry may bring a call to break a Karmic Cycle. Constant adjustment is called for to accommodate the various perspectives of the three energies involved. This makes the native used to and facile with change and adaptable; unless we fight it, then it’s a feeling of frustration and irritation. Release the resistance and get to know those Bros. They aren’t so bad, after all. 

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  1. “Pluto gives us another opportunity (yay🙄)”

    Exactly how I feel about it.

    “Several Celestial Bodies are in the last or beginning degrees of their signs, making them exalted (highlighted and potent).”

    Great description and clarity!

    Thank you for this. I like how with almost every motion of the skies you mention, you give a practical piece of advice for how to manage it.

    1. Thank you, Nikole! I’m so grateful that the reading helped you. Keep Shining! ✨

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