Welcome To Madrona Services

Madrona Services grew out of my desire to offer multiple facets of care.  I have developed the following areas of care, experience and knowledge over a lifetime. I love all of the  subjects listed below (also in the drop down menu) and each expresses an aspect of myself which I have nurtured and cherished.

My philosophy of life is closely aligned with my philosophy for healing.

I believe that we are here on this Earth to help each other; to heal, to nurture, to become more of who we truly are and to express whatever that is creatively and with joy. So often we feel so very far from this sense of our True Self and that causes us and others immense suffering. My intention is to offer what guidance and support I can, gleaned from my own personal experiences as well as my studies, to assist others on the path of healing and self-discovery. I do so with humility, humor and compassion. 

Wild Geese:

“You do not have to be good.

You do not have to walk on your knees

for a hundred miles through the desert repenting.

You only have to let the soft animal of your body

love what it loves.” Mary Oliver

MoonshadowMare Qigong

What is Qigong?

Qigong (pronounced ‘chee-gong’) is an ancient Chinese healing practice of movement and breathing. The qi (energy) is cultivated/practiced/developed (gong) over time to bring healing, balance and vitality to the body. There are three main applications of qigong: Medical Qigong, Martial Qigong and Spiritual Qigong. Tai Chi is an example of Martial Qigong.

My focus is Medical/Healing Qigong.  One way to think of it is as a movement therapy. It is a gentle method but subtly powerful.

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Pain Relief Coaching (PRC)

Whether you have acute pain, a niggling old injury that just will not abate, or you have a history of chronic pain, I can help you improve the quality of your life and coach you toward greater healing and pain reduction.

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Practical Astrology

Soul and Solutions Based Guidance from the Heavens:

Solutions Based Astrology is the belief that what ever challenges and potential pitfalls are shown in one’s chart or transits, the requisite assets and guidance for balance and growth is also there. As stardust manifest into human beings, all of Nature’s Lights are here to guide and teach us in loving harmony.